
Plant Medicine in the Modern World

Plant Medicine in the Modern World - Supramood
The Plant Medicine Movement speaks to both the ancient human natural past and the exciting and vibrant human future.  Humans evolved to our current position as apex predator through symbiotic relationships with plants and animals.  With our awareness of plant’s effects on our psyche humans were able to mold their selves and societies into forms that created success in the natural world and still ripple out into the current modern world of today.  In traditional society’s wider plant knowledge was commonplace among the populace and utilized constantly through daily life.  The more esoteric aspects of the plants and their effects upon psyche, were relegated to the medicine man or “Shaman”.  These people immersed themselves in the plant and spirit worlds to such a degree that their daily life was a constant dialog with plant and spirit allies.  Through these dialogs they aided themselves and their tribes or cultures in succeeding among the natural world and other human cultures.

In the world of today, we must relearn the innate and long imbued aspects of human-plant-spirit relationship in order to navigate the sometimes disjointed and hectic aspects of the post-modern world.  Bringing the ancient knowledge of plant medicine into one’s own life and the life of one’s community can enable one to succeed in the modern urban and tech riddled jungles much as our ancient ancestors did in the animal and tree filled jungles of ancient times.  Regaining our birthrights as plant medicine people empowers the self to effect their own, and others psyches, with the benefits of the plant allies and their effects upon the human spirit.  For our modern world many have found that engaging with the ancient plant allies allows them to finally feel human again in a world of tech immersed alienation. Choosing human connection and plant allies over technology and toxic alcohol or drugs, enlivens the spirit and allows one to engage with their own soul and others in ways that feel so nostalgic by harkening to our collective past, while also, painting a bright picture of a healthy and happy human future.

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